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Emergency Contact

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

1600 Clifton RoadAtlanta, GA 30329-4027 USA


1-800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636)





The 2015 Measles outbreak began at Disneyland and it quickly spread across California and then continued into 17 other states; including Washington D.C. There appears to be a definite lack of communication between doctors and parents about vaccinating children; especially for those parents who have concerns about the vaccines themselves. This is important because it starts the conversation about the lack of communication regarding critical medical information, which effects society as a whole. Parents who do not want to vaccinate their children need to fully understand that their children are at a risk of becoming infected; infecting other children and adults; encountering severe complications, and that there is the possibility of death. Doctors are against parents using information that has no proven facts to make the decision to not vaccinate their children. An example of this is refusing to get vaccines for believing it will causes autism. The outbreak has caused California lawmakers to get involved to decide if it should be a law for all children to receive vaccines. We hope this informational website will help you sort out the facts and find additional resources to help you understand The Measles Virus and the Vaccination Controversy. 


The goal of this website is to inform the public about the scientific facts behind the Measles Virus; explore communication issues between doctors and parents; and shed light on the anti-vaccine debate by reviewing parents, children and the media.  

Vaccinating A Child
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